About Lynne
Lynne Halamish is a Thanatologist, an expert in death and dying, loss and grieving. She is a counselor for grieving people whether grieving for themselves, that is to say living in the shadow of a life threatening disease, or grieving for others, following the death of a loved one.
Frequently, Lynne counsels for other types of loss: people who were reared by adoptive parents regarding biological parents who they may never meet, people who have suffered the loss of health or limbs, those who have suffered the loss of security in war torn areas of the globe, or occasionally divorce.
Another dominant part of her work is teaching; lectures and workshops, locally and internationally, to professionals in the health field, psychosocial field, education field, and to groups of grievers, following sudden death or extended illness. To those who hold common ties; widow/ers or bereaved parents. Sometimes in established settings; hospitals, medical and nursing schools, high schools and army bases, and sometimes in community settings, for example those who want to know how to deal with their children in the shadow of a family death.
Lynne has co-authored a book on grief entitled The Weeping Willow: Encounters With Grief.
Her latest book is entitled Clearing the Path: On Death, Loss and Grief by Lynne Halamish with Eric Cassell
See Resume.